Saturday 13 May 2017

Purchase only FPO certified processed fruit products:

Purchase only FPO certified processed fruit products:

When buying products like packaged fruit beverages, fruit-jams, crushes and squashes, pickles, dehydrated fruit products, fruit extracts, sauces, ketchups, pickles, vinegars, canned juices, pulps, frozen vegetables and fruits, cereal flakes containing fruits and other similar products containing processed fruits and vegetables, check out for FPO mark on them. And buy only those products that have FPO mark on them.

The FPO mark is a certification mark mandatory on all processed fruit products sold in India.

In India, all processed and packaged fruit products are mandated to be certified with FPO Mark. Food Process Order mark or FPO mark is issued by the Ministry of Food processing Industry which also develops the standards for this mark.

The FPO mark guarantees that the product was manufactured in a hygienic 'food-safe' environment, thus ensuring that the product is fit for consumption.

Never reuse oil already used for frying and beware of snacks and other food items high in trans fats:

Never reuse oil already used for frying and beware of snacks and other food items high in trans fats:

Many refined oils which have negligible levels of trans fats are found to have trans fats as high as 4gm per 100gm on reheating or when repeatedly used after frying.

Reused oils that had been already used for frying are loaded with trans fats, a class of fatty acids that raise the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

So never reuse the oil that has already been used for frying. And stay away from foods having high levels of trans fat in them.

In a day you have to limit the amount of trans fats to less than 1 percent of your total daily calories. That means if you need about 2,000 calories a day, less than 20 calories (or 2 grams) should come from trans fats. For good health, the majority of fats you eat should be monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.

Many hotels and eateries reuse the same oil in preparing a variety of snacks that had already been used for frying many times. So stay away from such snacks that are made from reused oils that contain high amounts of trans fats.

Consuming snacks and other food items high in trans fats can lead to high cholesterol levels in the blood, which can cause health conditions such as heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

You can sign cheques or communicate in any Indian language:

You can sign cheques or communicate in any Indian language:

You can fill in details such as your name in any scheduled regional language on the cheque you issue and can even sign the cheque in that language.
Cheque books are printed in Hindi and English. This means that details to be filled on a cheque leaf are asked in both the languages.
However, you can use any regional language while using cheque leaves at a bank. You can fill the details such as your name in any scheduled regional language and can even sign the cheque in that language.
But the signature in the bank records should match the one made in the regional language on your cheque.

If any government issued document is lost or misplaced, it is mandatory to register an FIR.

If any government issued document is lost or misplaced, it is mandatory to register an FIR.

What should you do when bank misplaces or loses your original property documents?
When you are collecting original documents from bank after home loan closure, kindly check each and every page. It is advisable to carry Xerox of all the documents with you to match in case of doubt.
If you observe any single original document is missing then it is advisable to return all the original documents back to the bank.
The bank might insist on your taking the rest of the documents and sign an acknowledgment.
The bank will assure you that the missing documents/pages will be located soon and returned to you, but be firm on your stand and return all the documents back to the bank.
Do not sign any acknowledgment/undertaking: Ideally don’t sign the acknowledgment without checking all the documents.
Remember once you sign the acknowledgment you can’t claim that document/page had been lost by the bank.
Immediately register a written complaint with bank and do mention that original documents are missing and have been lost by the bank. Don't forget to take acknowledgment from bank official along with bank seal.
And never forget to register an FIR against bank: If any government issued document is lost or misplaced, it is mandatory to register an FIR.
In the FIR clearly state that the bank has lost your original documents which you had submitted in original against home loan from the bank.

Do you know you can file cheque bounce cases in your city where you deposited the cheque?

Do you know you can file cheque bounce cases in your city where you deposited the cheque?

If you have received a cheque from a party and the issuing bank that are based not in your city say Bengaluru. And when such a cheque bounces, you can file a complaint in your city Bengaluru only and you don’t have to go to a place where the cheque issuing bank has jurisdiction or to the place of the party issuing the cheque.

It is the party who has issued the cheque that has bounced has to travel to your city to attend legal proceedings.

The punishment for cheque bouncing includes both imprisonment and penalty. Such cases tend to go on for a long time.

The government has recently notified the Negotiable Instruments (Amendment) Act, which allows the complainant to file a complaint in the city, where he is based or where the cheque has been deposited. The Act was passed by Parliament in its winter session that concluded in December 2015.

Complainants whose cheques have bounced can be happy about this move. People issuing the cheques have to be more careful because in the absence of sufficient amount or diverse signature, they will have to go through the pain of travelling to another city repeatedly to fight their case.

Karnataka Railway Police Toll Free Helpline number and Whatsapp number:

Karnataka Railway Police Toll Free Helpline number and Whatsapp number:

If you find anything strange at railway stations or in trains then you may alert the railway police on this toll free railway police control room helpline number 1800 425 1363.  
You can give any information about any security issues related to trains, railway stations, railway tracks, unattended objects or suspicious persons on this toll free number.
You can even pass any information about an offence, crime or any anti-social activity at a railway station or in a train on this toll free number .
And the best thing what you could do when you witness any nuisance or anti-social activity at a railway station or in a train, capture or record it on your mobile phone and WhatsApp it to the Karnataka Railway Police Whatsapp helpline number 94808 02140.
Before wishing your loved ones happy journey on railways give them these two numbers to ensure their safety: Toll free number: 1800 425 1363;                                                       Whatsapp number: 94808 02140.
Let us ensure our and our loved ones safety on railways.

Do you know how long your children should sleep?

Do you know how long your children should sleep?

Either lack or excess of sleep can lead to health risks like hypertension, obesity, diabetes and depression among children and teenagers, warns a research team led by an Indian-origin scientist.

The findings showed that insufficient hours of sleep could increase the risk of accidents and injuries as also lead to self-harm, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts among teenagers.

And sleeping for longer hours may also be associated with adverse health outcome such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity and mental health problems.

"Adequate sleep is essential for the children who are in the critical years of early development," according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, Illinois.

A good sleep pattern can lead to better health outcome like improved attention, behaviour, learning, memory, emotional regulation, quality of life, mental and physical health.

Researchers recommend at least 12 to 16 hours of sleep per day is imperative for infants (four to 12 months).

For children between one to two years of age, 11 to 14 hours sleep is essential, and for those who are three to five years, 10 to 13 hours is needed.

Nine to 12 hours for children between six to 12 years and eight to 10 hours of sleep for teenagers from 13 to 18 years is good for them and their overall health.

How well do you know Cauliflower?

How well do you know Cauliflower?

Cauliflower is the new soya and a versatile vegetable that can be made into rice, dough, mashed potatoes and even cookies and pudding.

The American Institute of Cancer Research has placed cauliflower in the list of vegetables that fight cancer.

A cruciferous vegetable, it is said to be an excellent source of Vitamins B,C,K, manganese, potassium, foliate and also omega 3 and chlorine.
You could replace carbohydrates like rice, potatoes and wheat with cauliflower.

At the same time Cauliflower is not good to patients of hypothyroidism, those on blood thinners and lactating mothers and they must avoid over eating cauliflower in any form.

Cauliflower is universally known as a gas producing vegetable and is not recommended to thyroid patients as it interferes with iodine absorption. Those on blood thinners and lactating moms are also advised to exercise caution while eating cauliflower.

Complex carbohydrates in cauliflower cause gas, hence those suffering from this trouble should be careful. Lactating mothers, those on blood thinners and patients of hypothyroidism should consult their doctor before eating cauliflower.

How To Best Match Your Oils To Foods?

How To Best Match Your Oils To Foods?

One of the most important things to keep in mind is that oil behaves differently when heated – it changes texture, colour, taste and nutritional properties.
When the oil reaches its smoking point, a lot of the nutrients are destroyed and it can sometimes form harmful compounds.
It is beneficial to consume a mix of oils to maintain a balance between the three fatty acids. The only way to ensure that you consume healthy oil is by switching between two-three of them.
For instance, by using groundnut oil one month and then using sunflower oil/mustard oil in another. Any single oil alone is not preferred.
Blending oils is another option, whereby you take equal proportions of different oils in one container and then use it.
This way you do not get prolonged exposure to the side effects of one type of oil and also get the benefits of different oils.
You could also have two or more different kinds of oils in your kitchen which you could use for different purposes. For example, you could use olive oil for salads, groundnut oil for frying, and mustard/soybean oil for other cooking purposes.
This will let you avail the health benefits offered by each oil brand.

India Post does not having any obligation or liability if India Post misplaces or loses your parcel

India Post does not having any obligation or liability if India Post misplaces or loses your parcel

If you are under the notion that posts or parcels sent through registered India Post are highly safe and secured, then you are wrong.
The National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC), India’s top consumer court, has ruled that India Post cannot be prosecuted for lost parcels.
The ruling stated that India Post cannot be seen as a provider of commercial postal
Services. But it is an arm of the government.
As the government could not be hauled to consumer courts, the postal department also could not be made to pay for misplacing registered posts.
“Services rendered by the Post Office are merely statutory and there is no contractual liability,”
“By establishing the Post Offices and running the postal service, the central government performs a governmental function and the government does not engage in commercial transaction with the sender of the article through post,” the order noted.
Therefore if you are sending any very important parcel through registered India Post then, be cautioned. India Post does not having any obligation or liability if India Post misplaces or loses your parcel.