Saturday 13 May 2017

If any government issued document is lost or misplaced, it is mandatory to register an FIR.

If any government issued document is lost or misplaced, it is mandatory to register an FIR.

What should you do when bank misplaces or loses your original property documents?
When you are collecting original documents from bank after home loan closure, kindly check each and every page. It is advisable to carry Xerox of all the documents with you to match in case of doubt.
If you observe any single original document is missing then it is advisable to return all the original documents back to the bank.
The bank might insist on your taking the rest of the documents and sign an acknowledgment.
The bank will assure you that the missing documents/pages will be located soon and returned to you, but be firm on your stand and return all the documents back to the bank.
Do not sign any acknowledgment/undertaking: Ideally don’t sign the acknowledgment without checking all the documents.
Remember once you sign the acknowledgment you can’t claim that document/page had been lost by the bank.
Immediately register a written complaint with bank and do mention that original documents are missing and have been lost by the bank. Don't forget to take acknowledgment from bank official along with bank seal.
And never forget to register an FIR against bank: If any government issued document is lost or misplaced, it is mandatory to register an FIR.
In the FIR clearly state that the bank has lost your original documents which you had submitted in original against home loan from the bank.

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