Wednesday 15 March 2017

Find Blood Donors Easily

Find Blood Donors Easily

Every year our country requires about 5 Crore units of blood, out of which only a meager 80 Lakh units of blood are available.

The gift of blood is the gift of life. There is no substitute for human blood.
If you are interested to be a blood donor and become a saviour of life or if you are desperately looking for blood for someone please log on to  or

On these websites you can search for any blood group and you will get valuable information on availability of blood and contact details of hundreds of blood donors near you. Also you can register yourself on these sites to be a blood donor for someone in need of blood.

To find blood donors near you first log on to and fill all the details of your blood requirement in this form and submit the form, there you find many blood donors near you. Contact them and save lives.

Blood Donation will cost you nothing but it will save a life!
Tears of a mother cannot save her Child. But your Blood can.

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