Sunday 26 March 2017

Natural antibiotics

Natural antibiotics

Natural antibiotics:
Long before there were pharmaceutical antibiotics, food and herbs that guard against infections and diseases were used. Superbugs have still not developed resistance to these natural antibiotics. Overuse of antibiotic pills leads to antibiotic resistance.

Some antibiotics pills are believed to have some side effects on their intake by patients, to avoid this, use these home remedies found in your kitchen: 
Turmeric: The wonder spice acts as an antibacterial agent and fights against infection in wounds or boils. It can be taken internally or applied directly to the skin.

Eucalyptus: Aromatic leaves of eucalyptus are rich in powerful antibacterials and used in inhalation to treat respiratory infections or applied externally to prevent infection in wounds.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate juice has strong anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. It reduces microbes that are found in the mouth responsible for cavities and staph infections.

Herbs and spices: Basil and oregano have antibacterial properties. Cumin, mustard and bay leaf contain a powerful antibiotic compound that weakens bacterial resistance. Pepper is effective to fight off intestinal bacteria. Thus, include all of these in your cooking.

Coconut oil: It has naturally occurring anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties and is packed with antioxidants not found anywhere else in nature. It is good for both topical application as well as internal consumption.

Garlic and ginger: Eat raw garlic cloves or use it in cooking as it is not only an antibiotic but also anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal and an antioxidant. Ginger is more effective against bacterial infections than antibiotics.

Berries: Cranberry, raspberry and blueberry have been shown to provide antibiotic benefits. They have been used to cure urinary tract infections and reduce the growth of salmonella, shigella and E. coli.

Honey: It is one of the best natural antibiotics, antimicrobials and antiseptics known to man. An enzyme found in honey releases hydrogen peroxide which fights against infection and prevents the growth of bacteria. So, consume raw and organic honey.

Lemon: Fresh lemon juice boosts your immune system as it is full of vitamin C with antibiotic effects. Lime juice is found to be protective against cholera.

Yogurt: The “good” bacteria in yogurt stimulate the production of white blood cells, which then attack invading microorganisms. 

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