Monday 27 March 2017

Health benefits of sugarcane juice

Health benefits of sugarcane juice

          Indulge in a glass of sugarcane juice. Apart from cooling your body, it is loaded with           several other health benefits.

  • Energy booster: Sugarcane juice is rich in the good kind of carbohydrates, protein, iron and potassium that make it the ideal energy drink.
  • Not bad for diabetics in moderation: If you are a diabetic and crave something sweet, sip on a glass of sugarcane juice for instant fix, though moderately. It has sucrose which has a low glycemic index.
  • Prevents cancer: Sugarcane is packed with antioxidants. Thus it helps prevent diseases like cancer, especially prostate and breast, which cannot survive in an alkaline environment.
  • Beats dehydration: It replenishes lost electrolytes and water during summer as it has a high concentration of essential nutrients.
  • Good for kidneys: Sugarcane juice is a diuretic so it helps improve the functioning of kidneys. It also aids in treatment of urinary tract infections.
  • Keeps liver healthy: Sugarcane juice is regarded as one of the best treatments for liver-related sicknesses like jaundice and some other diseases which cause high fever. It replenishes your body with lost proteins and nutrients that are needed to recover quickly.
  • Aids in digestion: The potassium present in sugarcane juice helps balance the pH levels of your stomach and facilitates the secretion of digestive juices.
  • Prevents heart diseases: It helps decrease the levels of unhealthy cholesterol and triglycerides, thus preventing heart diseases and stroke.
  • Gives a healthy skin: It is a good source of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) like glycolic acid, which helps to increase cell turnover. It also unclogs the skin pores and reduces occurrence of acne. 

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